7 research outputs found

    Flow simulation and shape optimization for aircraft design

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    AbstractWithin the framework of the German aerospace research program, the CFD project MEGADESIGN was initiated. The main goal of the project is the development of efficient numerical methods for shape design and optimization. In order to meet the requirements of industrial implementations a co-operative effort has been set up which involves the German aircraft industry, the DLR, several universities and some small enterprises specialized in numerical optimization. This paper outlines the planned activities within MEGADESIGN, the status at the beginning of the project and it presents some early results achieved in the project

    Management and minimisation of uncertainties and errors in numerical aerodynamics: results of the German collaborative project MUNA

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    This volume reports results from the German research initiative MUNA (Management and Minimization of Errors and Uncertainties in Numerical Aerodynamics), which combined development activities of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), German universities and German aircraft industry. The main objective of this five year project was the development of methods and procedures aiming at reducing various types of uncertainties that are typical of numerical flow simulations. The activities were focused on methods for grid manipulation, techniques for increasing the simulation accuracy, sensors for turbulence modelling, methods for handling uncertainties of the geometry and grid deformation as well as stochastic methods for quantifying aleatoric uncertainties

    Flow Simulation and Shape Optimization For Aircraft Design

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    Within the framework of the German aerospace research program, the CFD project MEGADESIGN was initiated. The main goal of the project is the development of e cient numerical methods for shape design and optimization. In order to meet the requirements of industrial implementations a co-operative effort has been set up which involves the German aircraft industry, the DLR, several universities and some small enterprises specialized in numerical optimization. This paper outlines the planned activities within MEGADESIGN, the status at the beginning of the project and it presents some early results achieved in the project

    Verbundprojekt MUNA: Best-Practice-Regeln

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    Im Verbundprojekt MUNA wurden Werkzeuge und Methoden entwickelt, die die Unsicherheiten in numerischen Simulationsergebnissen der Aerodynamik reduzieren sollen. Nachfolgend werden die innerhalb von MUNA gewonnenen Erfahrungen bei deren Anwendung in Form eines Leitfadens für deren Nutzung gebündelt. Das Dokument enthält Beiträge folgender Partner: - Airbus, - EADS-MAS, - DLR, - RWTH Aachen, Aerodynamisches Institut, - RWTH Aachen, Institut für Computergestützte Analyse Technischer Systeme, - TU Berlin, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik, - TU Braunschweig, Institut für Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau, - TU Braunschweig, Institut für Strömungsmechanik, - TU Braunschweig, Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, - Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik, - Universität Trier, Abteilung für Mathematik